January 21, 2014

Affiliate Links

I started blogging a couple of years ago, more for my own therapy than anything else. As a first time parent I researched everything to death and figured I may as well document my findings, and any other associated trial and error. I though my friends and family having kiddos might one day find some value in the notes and maybe have their own advice to add.

Around every corner of the blogging world a blogger is encouraged to 'monetize' her blog. "Hey, you are putting forth some effort, get rewarded! You may even make a career out of this." So, on another recon mission I did a quick search to see if it would be worth all the trouble. Turns out there are several different ways to monetize. Many center around different ways to add in those ads you see in the peripheral banners of a page. I find these distracting, and frankly a turnoff when I browse others' pages. I felt like though they might bring in some cash for my posts, they would ultimately cheapen posts that I was mainly writing for myself anyway. Then I stumbled upon the affiliate link option.

Many vendors offer a way to add a special code to the end of a web link so that when readers click on this link, the browser makes a note of who sent them. If those readers end up making a purchase during that browsing session, the refer-er gets a small portion of the sale (usually about ~5% or so).

I particularly like this option because I have total control over the things I endorse. I can choose to share as many or as few as I want, and I personally choose to only share things that I have tried myself, and can personally recommend, or in which I have a genuine interest.

That said, some of the vendors I am 'affiliated' with include SweetBottoms Baby Boutique, Diaper Junction, Stitch Fix, and Amazon. This means that if you click on a link I have shared in a post, you may ultimately be adding to my affiliate account that I may use towards purchasing giveaway items (one day for you!!) or items for my own personal use.

*** This post contains affiliate links ***

January 5, 2014

I heart All-in-Two Diapers

Recently, I contributed to Padded Tush Stats' series, If I could Cloth Diaper All Over Again. In it, I said that I would build a cloth diaper 'stash' of many types of diapers, but if I had to pick just one type it would be All In Two Diapers.
Every week that goes by with Baby Sister this has become even more true, and for a few reasons:

   1. They are so easy for daycare-bag packing! When I transfer the dirty diapers from the day to the diaper pail, many of the covers can be aired out and as new insert can be snapped right in. And I don’t have to do yet another trip up and down the stairs.

   2. They travel well. When we head out for a morning, I toss one extra insert and one complete diaper (cover+insert) and we are set. One drawback to cloth diapers can be that they take up a lot of space in a diaper bag. Even when you master packing the essentials in your diaper bag, you still have to have DIAPERS. And you gotta admit, those ‘sposies are rather compact. Enter the AI2. Save space.

    3. The patterns are cute! I’m not afraid to admit (anymore) that one reason I really have stuck with cloth diapering is because they are so dang cute. And both Grovia and Softbums make really cute patterns (think flowers and chevron!!).

     4. They give you options! Not only are AI2's my favorite type of diaper, I think they are also the best way to get started with cloth. If you decide cloth isn't for you, you can just use the shell as a swim diaper. Also most AI2's are hybrids, which means you can use a disposable insert, which lots of folks find easier for travel. And remember, if you run short on the specific inserts for your diaper type, you can always use the shell as you would any other diaper cover and mix-n-match.

** This post contains affiliate links to Diaper Junction**