Every time I meet someone new at work, I try to ask where we should be visiting, hanging out, or eating in the area. Recently, a colleague recommended this 'park' near our apartment. I was expecting some open green space for picnicking or throwing a ball, but when we arrived we concluded that this was 'just a trail'. However, it was a decently scenic trail, given that there were thunderstorms happening all around us. Also every 100 yards or so there was a place to sit and read a display with historical information. Between these stops there were some artistic iron scenes in sections of the fence. I think this would be a great place for a run, out and back, or ride our bikes there and through, once we acquire some!!

We did see a fair amount of wildlife on this trip, including some herons nesting in these trees. They look so majestic flying!
M wasn't a happy camper on this trip, as I think we skimped on his PM snack. Shame on us. It would be interesting to see if he would be more into walking himself, were he properly fed. Even though he was pitching a fit as we inched our way to the car as the park was closing, the Park Ranger gave him a junior ranger badge sticker, which was sweet.
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Here's a link to info about Anaheim Coves from the OC Register.
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