February 9, 2012

Toddler Lunch Ideas, part 1

In case you are struggling with what to pack/make your toddler, I wanted to share some ideas. It includes a mix of things I 'cooked' and things that are pre-packaged. We usually try to buy organic when we can but healthy and sometimes just handy, is good enough. I try to include a fruit or veggie in each snack and one of each with lunch. Please share your ideas, too!!

To get the conversation started, here are a few we packed this week:

For Monday
Lunch: 3/4 of a mini-whole-wheat-bagel pizza with peas (the recipe from weelicious.com), apple slices, steamed baby carrots, and milk
snack 1: yogurt + blueberry flax granola (blue container)


snack 2: cereal bar + clementine, peeled (yellow container)

Tuesday-lunch: leftover homemade whole wheat macaroni & cheese & steamed cauliflower (a recipe we loved from What to Eat When You're Expecting) , hard-boiled egg, halved cherry tomatoes, clementine sections, milk; snack 1: peach cubes + cereal bar; snack 2: yogurt + blueberry flax granola

lunch: leftover stuffing from our stuffed peppers (from this month's Real Simple), steamed carrots, apple slices and milk; snacks 1& 2: mix and match a hard boiled egg, string cheese, simply baked potato chips, mixed blueberry granola and raisins.
Thursday -


lunch: turkey, cream cheese, spinach roll up (on a half of a tortilla), frozen peas, raisins; snack 1: apples + steamed carrots; snack 2: cereal bar + plain yogurt mixed with blackberries
And don't forget, you can now like the blog on Facebook!


  1. Where are the little containers from? Or is that on one of the blog posts I missed?

    1. The ones I have are made by Sassy, and are BPA-free. We were handed down one set, and found another at Kohl's, but I am sure you can find them at babies'r'us, BuyBuyBaby, Target, etc., too (http://www.sassybaby.com/learn-about-sassy-feeding). Weelicious recommends some metal 'laptop lunches' (http://weelicious.com/store/),too.
