March 5, 2012

A perfect trip to the park!

We have been to Irvine Regional Park playground several times, but this time all the pieces finally fell together perfectly and it was just a relaxing morning.

Even on a weekend it still seems a little crazy to make some breakfast, squeeze in a Skype call with our parents, and all get dressed (not even showers!), especially after a night of interrupted sleep. So we all welcomed the trip to the park as a nice break. Somehow we arrived with water, snacks, sand toys, a kickball, the camera, hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and two coffees. The weather was warm. There were some other families there as well and M even shared his sand toys. He had a great time climbing up the stairs and sliding down the slide. Over and over. Digging in the sand. Chasing after his ball. Swinging along side the other kids. Daddy and I soaked in the sunshine and leisurely sipped our coffee (those of you with small children may appreciate what a rarity it is to enjoy your cup of coffee without fear of small hands threatening it at every moment).

Maybe M is just approaching the age where he can explore this whole play area with minimal assistance from us. In other words, the leash is getting longer.  Or maybe we just got tired of helicoptering and are finally give him his space... And its relaxing.

This is a short post, but I'll call this park hour a Kairos moment (thank you, Momastery for this term). :)

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