August 27, 2012

My first Bluum Box is here!

My first Bluum box arrived on Saturday. It's theme: "Puttin' on the Ritz"
the box. actually, this shipped inside another box that at first glance made me think Netflix.

Bluum is a subscription service that will send a box of 5-6 baby- or mommy-related samples each month. The idea is to discover products you might not otherwise have come across, and they even have options to give a subscription as a gift. A 3-month subscription is $33; 6-months, $60. Bluum is one of a growing number of subscription services where you can surprise yourself with something in the mail each month. At first, this seemed silly (maybe desperate?) to me, but then it started to grow on me! I love getting packages in the mail. Currently the boxes are aimed at babies (or moms of babies) and I have a 2-year old (and baby on the way), so I wonder if I will be able to utilize all the samples coming my way. But we will see. I signed up for a 3-month subscription through Plum District for only $8 (Maybe I'll do another post on Plum District.. I also just booked a 'steal' for a weekend trip to LegoLand in Carlsbad!).

Saturday, 8/25 - My first impressions: the box was smaller than I was expecting. Upon opening, I think there is only one sample I'll really be able to use (Mary Kay mascara - who couldn't use more mascara?). I may gift the eczema cream to a friend. The hair gel (intended for my kid?) might get a try. The soap samples may get thrown in the diaper bag for out and about emergencies (unless I decide the explosion risk is too great). I will use the Prime face product samples. Also the coupon for Wittlebee has piqued my interest again, but I am pretty picky about my kid's wardrobe (we tend to stick with basics from Children's Place), so unless I try for just a month... for the new baby... I'll share the code for $15 off your first order with you, though!!: BLUUM (see photo below).

After the arrival of this, I am thankful my 3-month subscription was on super-sale...

Monday, 8/27 OK - reassessment. I have already used the Amalou PRIME face samples (a scrub and a 'tonic'), and so far they ARE pretty amazing.

I did use the Mary Kay mascara today, just so I could tell you about it. I really like the wand! Even though this is a sample size, I am assuming the full size has the same spiny wand that lets you get the goop right where you want it. And though I have long lashes already, this really gave them extension (more than my usual brand). I also replaced my nearly empty eye makeup remover in my travel bag with the sample they sent.

I also intended to use the HIPpeas hair balm on myself this morning, but I am not much a pomade user, and frankly, I forgot.

I did throw a Caldrea soap sample in the diaper bag for our day trip yesterday, but we didn't have the occasion to use it.

Still no concrete plan for the eczema creme? Maybe good for preventing stretch marks as this belly grows?

1 comment:

  1. I love this trend in sample-subscriptions! I had a BirchBox for just about a year - $10 a month for 4-5 makeup/skincare samples - lots of fun!
