January 12, 2013

Amalou Skin Care Review

I am still deciding if I enjoy my subscription to Bluum yet (but that's another post). BUT a couple months ago I fell in love with two samples I received from Amalou Skin. When they ran out, and I went back to my regular cleanser it didn't hold a candle to how the Amalou made my skin feel. So I had to order my own full-size versions of their REVEAL and PRIME products.

The Amalou line is the first full service line safe for caring for maternity acne. I can't say that I have/had acne, but I can vouch that it is making my maternity skin feel great - and the folks at Amalou have assured me that I can keep using using the products after Baby Sister arrives. This is also a great choice if you have sensitive skin.

REVEAL is a lightly textured creamy cleanser. By 'lightly' I mean there were a few beads in the smaller-than-a-dime size dollup I used. And the first time I used it, I thought, really? Is this going to do anything. But somehow it does!

PRIME is a 'tonic' to be used after the cleansing step. It is not your typical astringent step, and is described as leaving more of an herbal layer behind to 'balance' your skin. I admit, my 'before' routine was a cleanser and then a thick night cream. I never actually followed the 'tonic' step of a skincare regimen very well. In this line, though, this step isn't stinging. And after a swipe of a cotton ball, there was never any dirt leftover, so I know my skin was really clean (for once).

Amalou also offers GLOW and RESTORE, their moisturizing and night time treatment options. I've not tried these yet, but still loved the effects of the first two steps combined with my thick night cream or SPF day moisturizer.

Two slight negatives I will point out:

Price - Amalou is not your drugstore skincare line. It is a little more pricey. But if you are like me, you are probably already spending a decent amount (or willing to) because really good skin is worth it.

Shipping -  At the time I ordered, the only shipping option was via UPS, and it seemed pretty expensive to be so slow. my order took a week to arrive and cost ~$15 to ship, and the items aren't bulky. When I asked Amalou about this, they said that though they'd had issues with them before, they were working to add a USPS shipping option soon. I checked back at the time of this post, and there is now a USPS option for $11 to my address.

To help with both of these, Amalous does offer promotions from time to time, so if you are interested keep following them on Facebook!


AmalouSkin will send one lucky reader their REVEAL and PRIME products!!
Leave a comment here about what you look for in a skincare routine! And of course, keep following on the JBabyThoughts Facebook page for other ways to gain entires!! Ends 1/18/13

* Congratulations Kristina V.!!!**

*Disclaimer - I was not compensated for this review, nor was I provided with any product samples for my personal use. These are my honest opinions. AmalouSkin is providing their product to the winner of this giveaway.*


  1. I look for simplicity and results!

  2. I look for moisture. Having seriously dry skin issues.

    1. stay tuned for our next giveaway then!! definitely helping me keep my face moist in this dry West Coast climate. my hands... that's another project...

  3. During pregnancy my acne actually went away, and my skin looked pretty darn good! Now that I am postpartum however, my acne has come back but it's not as bad!

    1. Did you have a boy or a girl? I am so curious if this makes a difference.
      And how many weeks/months are you postpartum? Could just be temporary!

    2. I have 2 girls, the youngest is 13 months...BUT I have a sneaking suspicion the hormonal acne may be partially caused by my IUD? Just a thought!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I think these are amazing products since they work perfectly on your skin. I am interested in trying out these products too to see if it will work well on my skin too.
    anti aging
    skin care cream
