March 22, 2012

Toddler Food Thursday: Single Mom Lunches

This week we threw in an extra challenge: Daddy is out of town! Honestly, I could/should have made a batch of veggie pasta. But I just didn't.

So I get the fun of making dinner and lunch (and breakfast) for 5+ days!! Hm... this doesn't sound a whole lot different from other days, but somehow having no relief pitcher is just intimidating. Even if I do get to eat thin mints and drink red wine in bed while having the iPad all to myself... its the burden of being solely responsible that drives me to such measures.

But I digress... here was this week's menu! I definitely went for easy peasy stuff: we made a batch of cauliflower mac n cheese (+ peas) Daddy's last night in town for dinner, and had plenty of leftovers for another dinner this week, 2 toddler lunches, and one Mommy lunch... and there is still some leftover somehow. In preparation, I bought a rotisserie chicken and some frozen veggies. I chopped all the straggler veggies in the fridge and steamed them together into one big batch. And I made a batch of brown rice over the weekend.

I will say, I underestimated our fruit needs this week, and just in the nick of time we got our first shipment of 'Mostly Fruit' from our new CSA and some of the citrus from the shipment were featured in dinner this evening and the lunch packed for tomorrow! Stay tuned for the post on the CSA details!

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leftover cauliflower mac n cheese + strawberries, blueberries, halved cherry tomatoes;
mango + kiwi + cereal bar;
steamed baby carrots + yogurt

pulled rotisserie chicken + brown rice + leftover steamed veggies + mozzarella + kiwi + mango;
 applesauce + cereal bar;
 carrots + yogurt
pulled rotisserie chicken + brown rice + leftover veggies +  minneola slices
kiwi + cereal bar
toddler trail mix + yogurt
cauliflower mac n cheese + rainbow: steamed baby carrots, halved cherry tomatoes,  mango, blueberries
rise and shine (whole wheat zucchini and carrot muffin, from, that i had in the freezer) + yogurt
toddler trail mix
cheers! pizza! + frozen peas + strawberries + heirloom baby tomatoes
mango + blueberries + rise and shine muffin
steamed baby carrots + yogurt
one happy eater (usually... mostly... sometimes...)

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