May 20, 2012

The Getty Center

I am a little behind on posting this, but here is how I spent part of my Mothers' Day last weekend - at the Getty! Even though M is a little too little to really appreciate (or even tolerate) the inside exhibits, I had heard the gardens were very lovely and appropriate for toddlers. Unfortunately, we found that they were under renovation (to open in a couple weeks). However, we still had a blast filling up a couple of hours. Not to mention that we get to ride a train (tram) from the parking deck up to the museum.

the architecture of the buildings themselves are
 'enough' to make for an enjoying day.
There is a ton of outside space to walk in (apart from the gardens) and sculptures and fountains and vistas and architecture to take in and a toddler can (mostly) have free reign. There is also one exhibit' especially for kids, where a few key pieces from the inside exhibits have been highlighted and transformed into something even wee ones can appreciate. They call this exhibit The Family Room. at first we thought this might just be a place for nursing and diaper changing, but I am so glad we went in! M gladly would have spent the whole day there, particularly in one part where you connect fun noodles to holes in the wall to imitate one of the outdoor sculptures. The featured pieces change from time to time, so we will definitely be back to check this (and the gardens) out!

We had hoped that all the walking and playing and exploring might tucker the toddler out, so that we could go inside while he napped, but we were not so lucky (maybe you will be!). So hubby and I will be back on a date night to soak in some further culture. 
M and I taking in one of the fountains
We did eat lunch at The Getty, in the cafe. The setup was much like a cafeteria, which worked so we could pick a la cart what we each wanted and it was 'mid-priced'. Still a little pricey for lunch, but we also got a half-bottle of wine, and enjoyed the whole meal outside where we enjoyed the beautiful weather, view and smell. And we were slightly less self-conscious about any toddler disruptions (like him pretending his apple was a ball and repeatedly throwing or kicking it).
reading on a Victorian bed in the Family Room
building with fun noodles in the Family Room
riding the "choo choo" from our car to the museum
the view of cacti (M's favorite) and Culver City

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