May 17, 2012

Toddler lunches this week - breakfast for lunch!

So we got some feedback this week from school that Mason is no longer interested in his cereal bars. He eats half and throws half. We will no longer be including those, I guess... one less prepackaged thing probably isn't bad.

Also, in talking with another parent at school, he asked, "Are you the family that packs the eco-friendly lunches?" Maybe. I'll take that as a compliment!

So, here are this week's lunches (and a few from last week - sorry I forgot to share)! Perhaps this lends some inspiration to your shopping this weekend.
mini-frittata (see recipe below), half a biscuit, steamed carrots, frozen peas, cherry tomato halves
yogurt and cereal bar,
Weelicious granola, orange slices and raisins
turkey slice, cheese slice, rosemary crackers, cherry tomato halves, raisins
Rise and Shine Muffin, yogurt
Weelicous granola bar, strawberries
leftover black beans and rice, steamed carrots, leftover chicken (from our bike-to-chick-fil-a kids' night), cherry tomato halves
Rise and Shine muffin and yogurt
Annie's snack mix and stawberries
peanut butter and honey sandwich, pear sticks
mini-frittata, half a biscuit, steamed carrots, orange slices, cherry tomato halves
mango and cereal bar
Weelicious granola and yogurt
taco salad toppings, steamed carrots, shredded cheddar, Annie's snack mix
1/4 blueberry bagel and yogurt
Weelicious granola and orange slices
taco salad toppings, steamed carrots, cherry tomato halves, cheddar slivers, Annie's snack mix
mango and yogurt
Weelicious granola and orange slices

(modified from a recipe)
1 c chopped mushrooms
1 c chopped red pepper
10 large eggs
1 tsp salt
shredded mozzerella (about 3/4 cup)

Preheat oven to 350. Saute mushrooms and pepper. Coat a muffin tin with cooking spray. Divide the veggies evenly among the muffin sections. 

Whisk the eggs with the salt, and pour into muffin tin, dividing equally. Top each well with some cheese.

Bake for 15 minutes or until puffy.

Serve with tater tots!

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