May 31, 2012

I love granola - Toddler Lunches

Short week, so only four lunches to share.

I do hate to brag, but good produce is really cheap on the left coast! We picked up cherries this week! Mmmm mmmm mmmm....

People: have you tried the weelicious granola bars yet? I am addicted to the chocolate chip version. M seems to be enjoying the dried fruit version, too.

Cheers Pizza!, halved cherries, peas and corn ("beh-ja-buls" at our house)
steamed carrot sticks (cut from regular-sized carrots) and yogurt
weelicious granola + apricot wedges
sausage and rice (and peppers and broccoli) and orange slices
watermelon and yogurt
weelicious granola and apricot slices
This was our super fast lunch that we put together after coming home from
a trip to the ER to have a rock removed from the toddler's nasal cavity...
1/4 turkey and cheese sandwich slices, steamed carrots, grape tomato halves, frozen peas
cherries and yogurt
granola and apricot wedges
leftover from our Memorial Day grilling:
grilled marinated chicken, grilled squash and zucchini, strawberry slices, Annie's Snack Mix
watermelon and yogurt
granola and apricot wedges

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