So... the dog ate one of our nighttime diapers...
This has never happened before, but usually we don't leave diapers where she might be tempted either. I was a single mom last night and as I folded toddler clothes and stacked clean diapers after bedtime, I left them outside M's bedroom door, so as not to wake him. And left them there. Our mornings generally have a good routine, but the last 5 minutes usually go haywire. I will have our bags and lunchboxes on my arm ready to go and I'll see M dumping out a box of blocks across the room, or I'll have forgotten my badge, or my shoes...
Needless to say, I forgot to put the aforementioned clothes and diapers IN the bedroom, and found one dissected on the living room floor upon arriving home.
So now we need a new one to keep our rotation full, and could you really find a better excuse to buy a new diaper? So which one should I get for overnight? We have tried Rump-a-rooz so far - what's next?
We do have a pretty heavy wetter, but we also have some extra bamboo inserts that I am willing to add to anything if we need to!
Also, given the dog's preferences, I will take this dog event as a hint that I need to start research stripping diapers...
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